1st World Summit on TurboAcupuncture® for Instant Pain Elimination
FOUNDATION CONGRESS The Global Painfree ... Wow!™ Doctors Initiative

1st World Summit on TurboAcupuncture® for Instant Pain Elimination
FOUNDATION CONGRESS The Global Painfree ... Wow!™ Doctors Initiative

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Painfree … WOW!™ TurboAcupuncture® Certification Masterclass
"Acupuncture Seminar of the Year 2019"
September 13-15, 2019 in Stuttgart/D
September 27-29, 2019 in Los Angeles/USA
December 6-8, 2019 in Bali/IDN

(further dates and locations on request)
If you are a Doctor in Pain
you can cash a one time 5.000 € founding member BONUS 
when you register NOW. And you may choose
any other date and location from the list above (including 2021)
Please enter the following promo code: BONUS
Painfree … WOW!™ TurboAcupuncture® Certification Masterclass
"Acupuncture Seminar of the Year 2019"
September 13-15, 2019 in Stuttgart/D
September 27-29, 2019 in Los Angeles/USA
December 6-8, 2019 in Bali/IDN

(further dates and locations on request)
If you are a Doctor in Pain
you can cash a one time 5.000 € founding member BONUS 
when you register NOW. And you may choose
any other date and location from the list above (including 2021)
Please enter the following promo code: BONUS
Participation date:
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Large Call to Action Headline
  I startet TurboAcupunture with a friend of mine and after the second session he is painfree. Thay Joe, I love your training course an I believe, it will be my No. 1 tool for pain relief"
  I want you to know that I am able to relieve the pain in the first session, as you taught us. Thank you, Thay Joe, for sharing your great message with me."
  Thank you for all your encouragement. I wasn't worried about the Turbo Acupuncture. I have seen how effective and magical it is. I was more worried about letting people know how I could help."
  I know TurboAcupunture will be the fire to light my new practice and get me so busy that I won't have time to promote myself anymore.
  This is a turning point!"
  Thank you for choosing the TurboAcupuncture points for my very first acupuncture patient. After the treatment she was able to get up on her own immediately. She was so happy and so was I! She asked me when she could get the next treatment. ... As a former surgeon, I have never been able to practice acupuncture."
  I'm still doing turbo acupuncture with great success. Thank you for being my teacher."
  I'm also proud to be your student."
  Thank you so much for your help. You are a source of knowledge and wisdom. I really appreciate that. My sciatica patient sent me a message this morning that he had a painless vacation. So the treatments were successful! The treatment went well and the patient walked without any pain. So really satisfied. I am so pleased and grateful to you. Thank you very much. And yes, I am impressed by your knowledge and your treatments. I just used [a Turbo Acupuncture point]... and yes, the results are very impressive and it's good to have the confidence that the treatment will work."

Dr. Thay Joe Tan teaches TurboAcupuncture® at the TCM-Klinik Kötzting, First German Clinic for TCM, University Hospital of the Peking University for Chinese Medicine.

January 2018

Dr. Thay Joe Tan teaches TurboAcupuncture® for the Medical Staff of a Catholic Hospital in Renqiu, Hebei Province, China.

September 2018

Dr. Thay Joe Tan teaches TurboAcupuncture® for doctors and professors at the University Hospital Beijing, China.

September 2018
Why this is perfect for you ...
Ideal both for beginners ... as well as for (far) advanced acupuncturists.
You get a proven fail-safe system to eliminate pain within seconds.
Super simple ... super fast
Ready for immediate use
Hands-On-Training inclusive
You will be presented with the best of Dr. Tan's over 20 years of experience and knowledge in acupuncture on a silver platter.
You will discover the simplicity, beauty and true power of acupuncture.
You will be able to quickly assess a patient and provide the best therapy that typically leads to immediate pain relief.
You will experience the magic of Dr. Tan's ONE most powerful weapon Dr. Tan has in his therapeutic arsenal.
Your therapeutic competence will be catapulted into a completely new dimension.... no matter if you are a beginner or (far) advanced acupuncturist.
THE BOTTOM LINE IS: Your patients will be delighted with the immediate results! ... And you too!
THE BOTTOM LINE IS: Your practice is likely to be overrun by grateful patients.
THE BOTTOM LINE IS: You will feel the THERAPEUTIC SUPERVISION..... Something you will never want to give away again.... For nothing in the world!
LIST PRICE: €9.997
ONLY €9.997 €4.997!
This is what you get:
One ticket for a LIVE TurboAcupuncture® Certification Masterclass. This 2.5-day, hands-on training event takes place several times a year around the world. Participation is limited to a maximum of 10-15 participants. You can attend the next or following training. Participation is on a First Come First Service basis. Value €9.997
Get your most difficult pain patient to the LIVE TurboAcupuncture® Certification Masterclass (Registration required, as we have to plan the patients of all participants). We will examine your patients together and you will be personally cared for by Dr. Tan to relieve your patients' pain. Dr. Tan will also recommend to your patients that they come about 10 times to bring their body back into balance. So you will most likely immediately generate 10 appointments. If you charge €100 per treatment session, that alone is a turnover of €1.000! >> Value €497 + additional generated revenues
Make sure YOU are pain free. As a student of Dr. Tan you become a part of his TurboAcupuncture® Family. Therefore, Dr. Tan will personally help you with your own pain or health problems that you may not be able to treat yourself. Value: PRICELESS!
A discount of € 2.000 on your personal TurboAcupuncture® Break-Through Implementation Day. The investment for this usually amounts to €4,997. One to two days after the LIVE TurboAcupuncture® Intensive Compact Training Dr. Tan comes to your practice and you assess and treat your pain patients together, i.e. Dr. Tan advises and accompanies you and you carry out the treatment. This is the fastest way to become super confident. Yes, you will have Dr. Tan in your practice for a whole day. He will also recommend to your patients that they come about 10 times to restore their body balance. For example, if you plan 10 patients on that day, you will most likely immediately generate 100 appointments. If you charge €100 per treatment session, that alone is a revenue of €10.000! >> Value  € 2.000 + massive additional generated revenue
A whole year of unlimited E-Mail support from Dr. Tan himself and his team. You can ask him any questions about the course if you need clarity or are stuck. Dr. Tan's clients appreciate this quick and easy access to him, and you will have me for a whole year to make sure you have everything you need to quickly fill your practice and deliver immediate results for your patients. Value €1.997
One whole year access to my PainFree ... WOW!™ Inner Circle. This is a monthly video conference where Dr. Tan shares with you the best of what he has discovered in his daily practice. He will cover all kinds of pain cases. He will tell you the tricks and abbreviations he uses to make patients pain-free with TurboAcupuncture®. You can bring patient cases to videoconferences if time permits. You will have access to the live calls, recordings and archives of past video conferences. Value €1.997
A whole year of Dr. Tan's Painfree ... WOW!™ QuickFix service via WeChat or Whatapp. Dr. Tan will give you access to his knowledge for a whole year, which means you can describe to him the case you want to solve (say, a new patient or an existing patient who will show up in your practice one of the next days) and tell you the point where you need to insert the needle, which will most likely eliminate the pain immediately. Dr. Tan will usually respond to your request within one business day, often within hours or even minutes. And for less than the equivalent of an acupuncture session fee of €100 per week. Value €4,997.

Total value: € 21.485
+ massive additional  generated revenue
Do you have any questions??

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